Rules for using clips
✔️ You may create excerpts from Source Clips in the following ways:
- to create still frames
- to create animated GIFs
- to reduce the running time
- to remove or dub problematic language
- to mask or blur problematic imagery
- to caption any audio included in the Clip
- to modify for creative purposes with Rightsline approval*
* Rightsline will steer you away from problematic actors or titles, and toward safer choices.
- to synchronize with your own music**
** You may be responsible for obtaining a synch license for the music.
NOTE: Embedded Source Clip music from Rightsline requires no further synch license.
✔️ You may exhibit excerpts from Source Clips in the following ways:
- on all in-stadium displays, including geo-fenced fan mobile devices, for unlimited plays throughout the season
- as stand-alone presentations
- as an element of your own productions (e.g. hype videos, montages)
- in sponsorship feature activations, within certain guidelines*
* Rightsline must approve how the feature activation is executed.
We will steer you away from problematic actors or titles, and toward safer choices.
We will steer you away from problematic actors or titles, and toward safer choices.
❌ NOT Allowed:
- using clips to disparage opponents
- creative alterations that disparage actors or clip content
- Showing clips anywhere other than as described above without obtaining additional clearances:
nothing online
no advertising or promotions
no personal demo reels that aren't password-protected
no personal demo reels that aren't password-protected